Классика баз данных - статьи


Stanley Y. W. Su. Extensions

  • Stanley Y. W. Su. Extensions to the Object-Oriented

    Paradigm // COMPSAC'89 13th Annu. Int. Comput. Software and

    Appl. Conf., Orlando, Fla, Sept. 20-22, 1989.- 197-199

  • Stanley Zdonik. Directions in Object-Oriented Databases //

    COMPSAC'89 13th Annu. Int. Comput. Software and Appl. Conf.,

    Orlando, Fla, Sept. 20-22, 1989.- 200

  • Malkolm Atkinson, Francois Bansilhon, David DeWitt, Klaus

    Dittrich, David Maier, Stanley Zdonik. The Object-Oriented

    Database System Manifesto // 1st Int. Conf. Deductive and

    Object-Oriented Databases, Kyoto, Japan, Dec. 4-6, 1989

  • The Committee for Advanced DBMS Function (Michael

    Stonebraker, Bruce Lindsay, Jim Gray, Make Carey, David

    Beech). Third Generation Data Base System Manifesto // Proc.

    ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. Manag. Data, Atlanta City, NJ, USA, May

    23-25, 1990, ACM SIGMOD Record.- 19, N 2.- 1990.- 34-43

  • R. P. van de Riet. Introduction to the Special Issue on

    Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases // Data and Knowledge

    Eng.- 5.- 1990.- 255-261

  • Won Kim. Object-Oriented Databases: Definition and

    Research Directions // IEEE Trans. Data and Knowledge Eng.- 2,

    N 3.- 1990.- 327-341

  • D. Woelk, W. Kim. Multimedia Information Management in a

    Object-Oriented Database System // 13th Int. Conf. Very Large

    Data Bases, Brighton, England, Sept. 1-4, 1987.- 319-330

  • Won Kim, Nat Ballou, Hong-Tai Chou, Jorge F. Garza,

    Darrell Woelk. Integrating an Object-Oriented Programming

    System with a Database System // Proc. OOPCLA'88, San Diego,

    Calif., USA, Sept. 25-30, 1988.- 142-152

  • Kyung-Chang Kim, Won Kim, Darrell Woelk. Acyclic Query

    Processing in Object-Oriented Databases // Entity-Relationship

    Approach: Bridge User: 7th Int. Conf., Rome, Nov. 16-18,

    1988.- 329-346

  • Elisa Bertino, Won Kim. Indexing Techniques for Queries on

    Nested Objects // IEEE Trans. Knowledge and Data Eng.- 1, N

    2.- 1989.- 196-214

  • B. Paul Jenq, Darrell Woelk, Won Kim, Wan-Lik Lee. Query

    Processing in Distributed ORION // Advances in Database

    Technology - EDBT'90.- Lecture Notes in Computer Science.-

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