Классика баз данных - статьи



  • E.F.Codd, "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks", Communications ACM 13, 377 (июнь 1970). Есть русский перевод: Е.Ф.Кодд, , СУБД N1, 1995.
  • D.D.Chamberlin, R.F. Boyce, "SEQUEL : A Structured English Query Language", Proceedings of ACM-SIGFIDET Workshop, Ann Arbor, MI, май 1974.
  • G.D.Held, M.R.Stonebraker, E.Wong, "INGRES : A Relational Data Base System", Proceedings of AFIPS National Computer Conference, Anaheim, CA, май 1975.
  • M.M.Zloof, "Query By Example", Proceedings of AFIPS National Computer Conference, Anaheim, CA, май 1975.
  • R.F.Boyce, D.D.Chamberlin, W.F.King, M.M.Hammer, "Specifying Queries as Relational Expressions: The SQUARE Data Sublanguage", Communications ACM 18, 621 ( Ноябрь 1975 ).
  • P.Reisner, R.F.Boyce, D.D.Chamberlin, "Human Factors Evaluation of Two Data Base Query Languages: SQUARE and SEQUEL", Proceedings of AFIPS National ComputerConference, Anaheim, CA, май 1975.
  • P.Reisner, "Use of Phychological Experimentation as an Aid to Development of a Query Language", Research Report RJ 1707, IBM Research Laboratory, San Jose, CA, январь 1976.
  • M.M.Astrahan, et al., "System R: A Relational Approach to Data Base Management", ACM Transactions on Data Base Systems 1, 97 (июнь 1976).
  • E.F.Codd, "Normalized Data Base Structure: A Brief Tutorial", Proceedings of ACM-SIGFIDET Workshop, San Diego, CA, Ноябрь 1971.
  • R.Bayer, E.McCreight, "Organization and Maintenance of Large Ordered Indices", Proceedings of ACM-SIGFIDET Workshop, Houston, TX, ноябрь 1970.
  • D.D.Chamberlin, J.N.Gray, L.L.Traiger, "Views, Authorization and Locking in a Relational Data Base System", Proceedings of AFIPS National Computer Conference, Anaheim, CA, май 1975.
  • P.P.Griffits, B.W.Wade, "An Authorization Mechanizm for a Relational Data Base System", Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD Conference, Washington, DC, июнь 1976.
  • K.P.Eswaran, D.D.Chamberlin, "Functional Specifications of a Sybsystem for Data Base Integrity", Proceedings of International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Framingham, MA, сентябрь 1975.
  • J.Mylopoulos, S.A.Schuster, D.Tsichrizis, "A Multi-level Relational System", Proceedings of AFIPS National Computer Conference, Anaheim, CA, май 1975.

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