Классика баз данных - статьи



  • Alexander, W., et al. Process and dataflow control in distributed data-intensive systems. In Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD Conference (Chicago, Ill., June 1988) ACM, NY, 1988.
  • Bitton, D. and Gray, J. Disk shadowing. In Procceding of the Fourteenth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (Los Angeles, Calif., August, 1988).
  • Boral, H. and DeWitt, D. Database machines: An idea whose time has passed? A critique of the future of the database machines. In Proceedings of the 1983 Workshop on Database Machines. H.-O. Leilich and M. Missikoff, Eds., Springer-Verlag, 1983.
  • Boral, H. et al. Prototyping Bubba: A highly parallel database system. IEEE Knowl. Data Eng. 2,1,(Mar. 1990).
  • Codd, E.F. A relational model of data for large shared databanks. Commun. ACM 13, 6 (June 1970).
  • Copeland, G., Alexander, W., Boughter, E., and Keller, T. Data placement in Bubba. In Proceedings of ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (Chicago, May 1988).
  • DeWitt, D.J., Katz, R., Olken, F., Shapiro, D., Stonebraker, M. and Wood, D. Implementation techniques for main memory database systems. In Proceedings of the 1984 SIGMOD Conference, (Boston, Mass., June, 1984).
  • DeWitt, D., etal. Gamma – A high performance dataflow database machine. In Proceeding of the 1986 VLDB Conference (Japan, August 1986).
  • DeWitt, D. et al. The Gamma database maching project. IEEE Knowl. Data Eng. 2, 1, (Mar. 1990).
  • Engelbert, S., Gray, J., Kocher, T., and Stah, P. A Benchmark of nonstop SQL Release 2 demonstrating near-linear speedup and scaleup on large databases. Tandem Computers, Technical Report 89.4, Tandem Part No.27469, May 1989.
  • Grandeharizadeh, S., and DeWitt, D.J. Performance analysis of alternative declustering strategies. In Proseedings of the Sixth International Conference on Data Engineering (Feb. 1990).
  • Ghandeharizadeh, S., and DeWitt, D.J. Hybrid-range partitioning strategy: A new declustering strategy for multiprocessor database machines. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, (Melbourne, Australia, Aug. 1990).

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