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[Borr88] A. Borr, F. Putzolu, High Performance SQL Through Low-level System Integration, Proc. ACM SIGMOD 1988, pp. 342-349.

[DeWi85] D. DeWitt, R. Gerber, Multiprocessor Hash-based Join Algorithms, Proc. 1985 VLDB, pp. 151-164.

[Engl89] S. Englert, J. Gray, T. Kocher, P. Shah, A Benchmark of NonStop SQL Release 2 Demonstrating Nearlinear Speedup and Scaleup on Large Databases, Tandem Computers, Technical Report 89.4, May 1989, Part No. 27469.

[Engl90] S. Englert, J. Gray, T. Kocher, P. Shah, NonStop SQL Release 2 Benchmark, Tandem Systems Review 6, 2 (1990), pp. 24-35, Tandem Computers, Part No. 46987.

[Engl91] S. Englert, Load Balancing Batch and Interactive Queries in a Highly Parallel Environment, Proc. IEEE Spring COMPCON 1991, pp. 110-112.

[Lesl91] Harry Leslie, Optimizing Parallel Query Plans and Execution, Proc. IEEE Spring COMPCON 1991, pp. 105-109.

[Moor90] M. Moore, A. Sodhi, Parallelism in NonStop SQL, Tandem Systems Review 6, 2 (1990), pp. 36-51, Tandem Computers, Part No 46987.

[Pong88] Mike Pong, NonStop SQL Optimizer: Query Optimization and User Influence, Tandem Systems Review 4,2 (1988), pp. 22-38, Tandem Computers, Part No. 13693.

[Schn89] D. Schneider, D. DeWitt, A Performance Evaluation of Four Parallel Join Algorithms in a Sharednothing Multiprocessor Environment, Proc. ACM SIGMOD 1989, pp. 110-121.

[Seli79] P. Selinger et. al., Access Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System, Proc. ACM SIGMOD Conference 1979, pp. 23-34. Есть перевод на русский язык: П. Селинджер, М. Астрахан, Д. Чемберлин, Р. Лури, Т. Прайс. .

[Tand87] The Tandem Database Group, NonStop SQL:A Distributed, High-performance, High-availability Implementation of SQL, Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science No. 359.

[Tand88] The Tandem Performance Group, A Benchmark of NonStop SQL on the Debit Credit Transaction, Proc. ACM SIGMOD 1988, pp. 337-341.

[Tand89] The Tandem Database Group, NonStop SQL:A Distributed, High-performance, High-availability Relational DBMS, Proc. First Annual Distributed Database Event, The Relational Institute, 2099 Gateway Place #220, San Jose, CA 95110.

[Zell90a] H. Zeller, Parallel Query Execution in NonStop SQL, Proc. IEEE Spring COMPCON 1990, pp. 484-487.

[Zell90b] H. Zeller, J. Gray, An Adaptive Hash Join Algorithm for Multiuser Environments, Proc. 16. VLDB, 1990, pp. 186-197.

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